Thursday, July 18, 2013

Revised 30 Day Squat/Push-Up/Crunches/V-Up Challenge

I revised the 30 day Challenge! I think the previous one I posted is great though, it just didn't challenge me enough. It is a great workout challenge , in my opinion, for beginners. However, seeing that I am very physically active and have been working out for years, I needed something that was really going to step it up for me. I hope you enjoy my revamped version of this challenge. I recommend this challenge for the more intermediate/advanced "workout-eer"!

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Whole 30 Loud and Proud!


I am starting a brand new Whole30 -- have yet to complete a true, CLEAN, No SLIPS, No cheating Whole30.. I have done about two weeks worth but due to events, special occasions, etc... AKA, Adult Excuses... I have not had the opportunity to experience a TRUE Whole 30. So here I go... It's going to be interesting, fun, exciting and a whirlwind of vivid posts from this high-octane gal who is full of life, energy and on a mission to Love and Live my Life Out Loud! Welcome and let the adventures begin!

Daily Guidelines:
* Eat 3 Meals a day 
* Don’t skip Breakfast - Eat Meal #1 within ONE hour of waking up 
* Try NOT to SNACK in between meals, if you can help it. Your hormones are happier if you don’t snack but if you are hungry between meals, Eat. Include protein that is a ½ meal sized serving of protein. (Add a serving of veggies/fruit or fat if needed) 
* Stop eating a few hours before bedtime. (3-4hours) 
* Eat your meals every 4-5 Hours – having that break between meals gives glucagon time to do its job and mobilize some energy and keeps leptin levels normalized. 
* Each meal should be designed to hold you over until the next meals, eliminating your desire or need to snack. 
* Drink lots of water! (1/2 your body weight in ounces.. more if doing exercise) 
* Get 7-8 hours of sleep!


30 Day Squat, Crunches and Plank Challenge: Booty, Abs, and Core!
Oh and I figured since I am on this 30 day Eating and Lifestyle "Reset", why not throw in another 30 day challenge that involves a tighter,lifted bum, chiseled abs and stronger core... Well at least that's my vision bubble! :)